Tavrida Group (hereinafter «We») uses cookie files in order to enhance the performance of Website https://www.tavrida.com (hereinafter «Website»), improve user’s interaction with this Website, conduct analytics.

1. What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

2. Who is controller of Cookies?

The controller of your Cookies, which may be saved on your computer, is Tavrida Group. The list of companies, which are members of Tavrida Group you can find at our Privacy Policy

3. Why do we use Cookies?

We use Cookies for the following reasons:

  • Conducting different analytics (for example, pages which are most popular with users; quantity of visitors; from where visitors have come);
  • Making Our Website secure for users;
  • Improving Website performance (for example, use cookies to see, how you interact with the Website. Also, we get information about technical errors during visiting our Website);
  • Finding out advertisements’ effectiveness (for example, defining advertising conversion to Websites visits);
  • Advertisement distribution (for example, make the ads you see more relevant to you);
  • Making our Website convenient for users (for example, we can know, what language preferences so you have).

4. What information we collect through cookies?

We require to save and use cookies with the common information about users: from language and location to the version of web-browser. In particular, we get these kinds of information through cookies:


  • User’s actions on the Website;
  • Common information about user including gender, age, city of location, country;
  • Browser version;
  • User’s preferences (for example, things, he or she recently searched);
  • Information which user typed in the forms at our Website.

5. How do we use cookies?

When you visit our Website, we ask you for a permission to use cookie files for reasons, which are written above. If you give your permission, our web-server sends to your web-browser a request to save and store cookie files.

After that your web-browser saves and gives us different information about you. For example, from what Internet page you got to our Website. Or what actions you made at our Website, which pages you opened. Or which advertisement you clicked before getting to the Website.

If you don’t give the permission to save and use cookie files, our Website and web-server won’t send a request to your web-browser about cookies. As such, we won’t get an access to different information and wouldn’t be able to personalize our Website for you and improve our services.

6. What cookies we use?

We use our own (first-party) and third-party cookies. We use cookies of the following third-party services:


In the list below you can see which cookies we use.

a. Functional cookie files

Functional cookies allow you to navigate through our Website and use our services and functions. Without these files, our website might not be able to work properly.

The list of the used cookies is shown below:

Name of cookiePeriod of validityDescription
BX_USER_ID10 yearsCMS Bitrix cookie, allows user to navigate through our Website and use our services and functions.
GEO1 yearFirst-party cookie used to identify the geolocation of a user.
GEOTIME1 yearFirst-party cookie used to identify the time when a user chose its current location.
PHPSESSIDEnd of browser sessionFirst-party cookie used to maintain user session variables.
VID1 yearLive Internet’s cookie used to track user interaction with the website.
bx_user_id10 yearsCMS Bitrix cookie.
countryid1 yearFirst-party cookie used to identify the country of a user.
hunter_start1 minuteFirst-party cookie used for callback widget.
ukr21 yearFirst-party cookie used to identify users for Ukraine.

b. Google analytics (analytics.google.com)

The cookies of this service are analytical. They help us to understand, how our Website is used, which users attend it, what actions users do at the Website, for how long users stay at the Website and similar indicators.

The list of the used cookies is shown below:

Name of cookiePeriod of validityDescription
_ga2 yearsUsed to distinguish users.
_gid24 hoursUsed to distinguish users.
_gat1 minuteUsed to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>.
__utma2 years from set/updateUsed to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utmt10 minutesUsed to throttle request rate.
__utmb30 mins from set/updateUsed to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utmcEnd of browser sessionNot used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit.
__utmz6 months from set/updateStores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

c. Yandex Metrica (metrica.yandex.com)

The cookies of this service are analytical. They help us to understand, how our Website is used, which users attend it, what actions users do at the Website, for how long users stay at the Website and similar indicators. The available statistics include the number of users, traffic sources, and user behavior on site pages.

The list of the used cookies is shown below:

Name of cookiePeriod of validityDescription
i10 yearsUsed for identifying users.
_ym_visorc_*30 minutesAllows Session Replay to function correctly.
_ym_uid1 yearUsed for identifying users.
_ym_isad2 daysDetects ad blockers.
yabs-sidEnd of browser sessionSession ID.
_ym_d1 yearStores the date of the user’s first site session.
yp10 yearsControls the speed of user’s requests.

d. JivoChat (jivochat.com)

The cookies are functional. They are used for the work improvement of our communication widget.

The list of the used cookies is shown below:

Name of cookiePeriod of validityDescription
jv_enter_ts_$30 mins from set/updateUsed to identify time the visitor entered the Website.
jv_invitation_time_$30 mins from set/updateUsed to identify time that proactive invitation appeared.
jv_pages_count_$30 mins from set/updateUsed to identify number of pages viewed by the user.
jv_utm_$30 mins from set/updateUTM tags indicating the marketing campaign.
jv_visits_count_$1 yearUsed to identify number of visits to the Website.

7. What are your rights concerning Cookies?

We ask for your consent before we begin to save and use cookies. If you don’t give your permission, we won’t save and use your cookies.

If you don’t want to receive cookies anymore and permit their usage by us, you can change the browser settings and disable the possibility to receive cookies. You can see how to do it on the Website page: https://www.howtogeek.com/241006/how-to-block-third-party-cookies-in-every-web-browser/

Moreover, some third-party cookies services provide special tools for controlling their cookies. You can get more information following the links:


8. How can you contact us?

Our address: 5th Yamskogo Polya street, 5 bld. 1, floor 18, premises 1, office 2, Moscow 125040, Russia.


You can freely contact us